Bett Show 2025: a review
In January, we joined more than 600 companies exhibiting at the annual Bett Show in London’s ExCel Centre. This year marked the 40th anniversary of the show, which promised to be bigger and better than ever. It certainly didn’t disappoint. The buzz was evident from day one, as thousands of visitors from schools and higher education providers packed the exhibition halls.
We highlighted our time and alert solutions to visitors
Bodet Time’s stand was part of the show’s Management Solutions section. This included providers of software solutions required to run an educational institution, from management information systems to cybersecurity.

Our stand was extremely busy throughout the three days. Visitors ranged from our valued existing customers, IT managers and school leaders to office managers and heads of security. Our team highlighted the ways in which our time and alert solutions improve school life for students and staff.
Protect your school and boost efficiency
We offer a range of solutions to make your school day run more efficiently, covering:
- Lockdown alerts: increase safety for everyone on your premises by broadcasting unique lockdown alerts, and ensure your school is prepared for the introduction of Martyn’s Law
- Class change, bell and PA systems: ensure effective communication and keep classes running to time
- Synchronised clocks: make sure time is accurate and synchronised with our wired or wireless clocks and clock systems
Missed us at the Bett show but interested in our solutions? Contact us; we’re happy to run through your options.